Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

The new ipad launch

The ipad fans has queuing almost 5 day to get the new ipad in store today.

Lets see how crazy it is..

Apple Store in London
Apple Store in Paris
Apple Store in Singapore
Apple Store in Japan

The best Features

Best display ever on a mobile device.

I really need an Ipad for Me Too!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Connect to MSSQL in Centos with ODBC

Recently I have to connect to MSSQL to communicate between two server. One in Linux and the other one is Window Server. But this isn't easy as work on localhost. As I know the xampp in window doesn't have odbc driver b'coz it already there. Then after a while I managed to find the solution.

Here what i found:

Step 1:
Open Terminal

Step 2:
Install unixODBC and freetds

yum install unixODBC
yum install freetds

Step 3:
open the odbc.ini in etc folder and paste this code

Description=MS SQL Test
Database= myDB
TDS_Version = 8.0

Note : Change the the server into your server (window).

Step 4:
open the odbcinst.ini in etc folder and paste this code

Description = FreeTDS driver
Driver = /usr/lib64/
Setup = /usr/lib64/
Trace = Yes
TraceFile = /tmp/freetds.log
FileUsage = 1
UsageCount =1


Note : Please check the exact location for Driver/Setup in your Linux Server.

Step 5:
open the freetds.conf in etc folder and paste this code

 host =
port = 1433
tds version = 8.0

Note : Change the the server into your server (window).

Step 6:
then you may test the connection with this code

isql -v MSSQL sa password

you will get this

[root@localhost]# isql -v MSSQL sa password
| Connected!                                          |
|                                                             |
| sql-statement                                        |
| help [tablename]                                   |
| quit                                                       |
|                                                             |

sa - refer to the username of the SQL authentication
password - refer to the password  of the SQL authentication

Step 7:
Create test page in php


// connect to DSN MSSQL with a user and password
$connect = odbc_connect("MSSQL", "sa", "password") or die
("couldn't connect");

$result = odbc_exec($connect, "SELECT Identity_No, Name FROM dbo.user");
  print(odbc_result($result, "Identity_No") .
  ' ' . odbc_result($result, "Name") . "<br>\n");

If you get the result, that mean you has successfully connected to MSSQL. But if you don't, please try to recheck each of the file (freetds.conf, odbc.ini, odbcinst.ini) in their exact location. This state is the harder one, no one ever told me about the location. I got stuck in there also. But it did figure it out soon. Try to locate the odbc file with this

odbcinst -j

you will get this information about the ODBC driver that you install earlier.

unixODBC 2.2.11
DRIVERS............: /etc/odbcinst.ini
SYSTEM DATA SOURCES: /etc/odbc.ini
USER DATA SOURCES..: /root/.odbc.ini

That will solve your problem..Hope you can make it.

I love open source..♥♥♥


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